Employers are looking for workers with broad-based and technical skills across many industry areas. Hazardous areas qualification is in high demand in sectors like mining, oil refineries, chemical plans, LNG plants, paint manufacturers, sewerage treatment plants, distilling, wharves and offshore drilling rigs.

This course will develop your skills and knowledge in hazardous areas. It covers hazards, protection techniques, testing and inspection of explosion-protected equipment. A strong practical component will reinforce concepts learnt in the theorical component. This hands on learning makes students confident with their new skills and knowledge.

Completion of this post trade course will provide you with the opportunity to work in the field of hazardous areas – electrical equipment as a qualified technician.

Click on the qualifications below to find out more.

UEE42620 – Cert.IV in Hazardous Areas – Electrical / EEHA

This qualification is ideal for electricians wanting to work in hazardous areas. It covers all aspects of hazards, protection, testing and inspections. It has a theory component and a strong practical component.

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Hazardous Areas Refresher

This refresher is ideal for anyone who has already completed the Cert. IV or EEHA but needs to review concepts. Can be done online (theory only) or face to face (if practical component is needed too).

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If you want to know more about these or any other qualifications, contact us or visit training.gov.au.